How I do it (I): Introduction

In this series of posts, I want to show very briefly, the steps I follow to write a novel. From the initial idea in my mind to the final published version.
This last year, following that process, I was able to publish 2 books in 10 months. I don't dedicate myself full time to writing, I calculate that on average I'm investing one hour each day.
Although my intention for the next few years is to go up to 3-4 publications per year, I'm aware of the risks involved. It's not a good idea to sacrifice quality for speed.
Even so, the idea of the following posts is to share the 5 phases that I carry out and that work for me, for a total of 4-5 months, to have a novel ready and polished.
Maybe from all that, you can get some hints that can work for you.