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How to shine in the dark (I)

If you, like me, have chosen self-publishing on Amazon KDP, this series of entries might come in handy.

I'm not going to say anything that hasn't been said before. Nor to discover hidden secrets. But I think it's important to talk about this from a different point of view.

The big question we all ask ourselves, when it comes to publishing, is the same, what should I do to sell my novel more on Amazon.

Put yourself in the shoes of the possible buyer of your book. Among the thousands of titles shown on the web, only a few will attract her attention, even less will make her consider to buy them.

This is first important point. The process consists of 2 phases, "filtering" and "evaluation". First, she filters that immensity of books and then, among the chosen ones, she evaluates which one best fits what she is looking for.

In the filtering phase, the cover and the title is what will determine whether your novel moves on to the next phase (also, if you are a known and appreciated author by the reader, that will also ensure you pass the filter).

In the evaluation phase, describing your story in a few lines is what will make that potential reader consider buying your work.

Reflect on that process, it's the same one that we, as readers, follow. Think about what it would convince yourself, if you were in front of the screen and found your book on Amazon, what would lead you to buy it and what not.

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